Thursday, May 30, 2013

Final Post

5 top things about Mythology:
  • Myths are passed downt hrough the oral tradition, they were never oriogionally written down.
  • Myths arw magical and often contain fantastcial and unimaguinable explanations of creation, life, death, etc.
  • Myths can answers the questions in life "WHY?" and "HOW?.
  • Myths can often be difficult to undertsnd, but often contaian d deep moral or and important life lesson
  • Many myths from different cultures often contain the same characters just with different cultrual variations
 5 top things about Fairytales:

  • Fairytales can be described as being "a children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands" (Dictionary) 
  • Some Fairytales are dark and grim and not appropriate for children
  • Fairytales can be referenced in commercials, music, literature, and design
  • Many Fairytales have been re-written and modified over time 
  • Disney has widely popularized fairytales. Their animated fairytales have made large profits