Thursday, April 25, 2013

Unit 4 #2l

The four Cinderella stories I will be comparing and contrasting are Yeh-Shen, the Egyptian Cinderella, Ashley Pelt, and the Baba Yaga. I do have to say i was confused about the Baba Yaga, I was really able to see how it was connected to any of the other "Cinderella" stories. I had trouble making any connections with the other stories I read. Anyways, one of the first similarities i observed was that all the "Cinderellas" in the stories were orphaned, and they lived with a stepparent who seemed to be jealous of this child for their own children's sake. Another common theme I noticed was all the "Cinderellas wishing to go to some kind of event that they were originally not allowed to go to. For Yen, its the Spring Festival. For Rhodopis, it's Pharaohs court. For Ashley, it's and extravagant party. They all get dressed up for these events, and are glorified for their beauty by the fellow party goers, their look cause jealousy and men fall in love with them. In classic Cinderella fashion, they all leave in a hurry, leaving behind some token that will later be used for their suitors to discover them again. Yen leaves so her stepmother and sisters would not recognize her, leaving behind her gold slipper, which was later given to the King. The king finds discovers her because she is the only one who fits in the shoe, and they marry and leave happily ever after. Rhodopis never seemed to actually attend the court, but when she was cleaning her rose gold slippers one day, the God Horus came down form the sky and took one of her slippers. He then gave the slipper to Pharaoh, who took this as a sign, set out to find the owner of the shoe, in this case Rhodopis. She fit the shoe, they got married and lived happily ever after.  In Ashley Pelt, she falls in love with the prince at the party, and on her way out as she rushes, drops a silk slipper. When the prince comes to her door looking for the owner of the shoe, he does not see her. Eventually he finds her tending to the cows, and they get married and live happily ever after.

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