Thursday, April 18, 2013

Unit 4 #5

The dictionary describes fairy tales a being "a children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands", and i don't have a hard time disagreeing with that. I always think of them as being whimsical, sometimes spooky, and full of unrealistic events and stories. When i was little, my mom didn't read me a ton of fairy tales, I was more of a movie watcher. I was the quote-on-quote "stereotypical" five year old girl who loved Disney princesses. I remember how much i loved Snow White. My mom said I would cry when she wouldn't let me wear my Snow White dress to school in kindergarten. When I was in eighth grade, we actually read some fairy tales that were in our literature book as part of a unit. I can't exactly remember all the ones we read, but I do remember enjoying them. 

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