Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Campbell Mythos, part 1; My reaction

Campbell begins his says myth has four functions, mystical, image of world-cosmological, sociological, and ppsychological. He talks about how same "characters" appears in every cultures mythology-they just vary in characteristics. I noticed how he connected physcology with mythology, using ego, self, shadow.  It was nice having Susan Sarandon in the video to sum up and simplify everything that Joseph Campbell was talking about because he was really confusing and hard to follow. I agree with Sarandon's statement about "mythology beginning within us". Many of the themes and lessons that can be learned from mythology can be applicable to our lives.

1 comment:

  1. I would say, from this blog post, that you did a pretty good job of understanding Campbell. Yes, he can be wordy and a bit difficult to understand.
