Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Creation Myth

The deep, black, darkness clouds had hung over the future area called "Maryland" since the earths creation. Birds were the only creatures living on the earth, the strongest and most important of them being the seagulls. One day, the day that would change the world forever, a the largest flock of seagulls ever assembled  took of over the deep, murky waters of the Chesapeake bay. As the seagulls flew over the murky waters, the winds created by their strongly flapping wings drove the clouds away and light was finally shone on the and and water. Drifting feathers from the flock fell to the ground, and plants and all other animals were created from these stray plumes. That is how animals, plants, and the sunlight to maintain them, came into being in Maryland. How humans were created is a whole other story. 

1 comment:

  1. What a fun start to your myth of how Maryland came to be! I like that you used local species and local flavor to shape your myth, Ally.
