Sunday, February 10, 2013

Interview with parents

What is your understanding of myth?
·      A myth is a made up story, like fiction, from a very long time ago
How do you define myth?
·      A myth is a made up story, like fiction, from a very long time ago (she said that the same answers applied to both questions)
Do you remember any myths?
·      I remember the myth of Hercules 
What makes these myths memorable to you?
·      They were memorable because they were exciting, full of adventure and suspense 
What is your understanding of myth?
·      Short story that has a moral or lesson to it, and usually involves fictional, unrealistic elements
How do you define myth?
·      Short story that has a moral or lesson to it, and usually involves fictional, unrealistic elements (he said that the same answers applied to both questions)
Do you remember any myths?
·      Beowulf, I read it in high school
What makes these myths memorable to you?
·      It was hard to understand and read, even though it was translated from some medieval language, it hard to follow

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