Tuesday, February 26, 2013

unit 2, #3

The Egyptian creation myth I read was of Hermopolis. In the story, the primeval waters are represented by eight gods. The male gods are represented by frogs and the females by snakes. When they clash, the pyramidal mound is formed, and then the sun emerges form it. I've read other myths where gods clash, producing natural disasters or happenings, so i guess its a common theme in mythology. Another similarity this creation myth has to others is that it focusses on nature of the universe before the creation of the world. 

The Hindu/Indian creation myth i read was of Rig-Veda, one of the most sacred texts of Indian creation myth. It tells the stories of Pursha, the creator of the basic elements of the world. When he was sacrificed, his body parts became the basic elements of the earth. His mind was the moon, his eye the sun, his breath the wind, etc. This theme of body parts becoming the element is similar to the slavic myth i read which i will talk about in the next paragraph. 

The Slavic creation myth i read was of Rod and the Golden Egg. When the father of all mankind, Rod, breaks out of the golden egg, the darkness is imediatley broken through. He gets right away to seperating the oceans and seas from the skies, he separates light from darkness, truth from deceit. He divides the world into three parts, including one for the gods I'm assuming could be called "Heaven". This theme of creating a "Heaven", or simply a place for the gods is a common myth if found throughout a couple of the creation myths i read. Also, in the myth, the sun is created from Rod's face-a detail similar to that of the Hindu myth above, where elements are created from the gods bodies. 

The Chinese creation myth i read was of the the Yin and Yang. Before the Dao began to grow in the myth, dark limpidity and mysterious quiescence filled the earth.Creatures came into being and shapes were formed when the Dao began to grow. Heaven was formed, a similarity to other myths, and Earth became fixed within, another common theme in creation myths.Heaven is said to takes it body form the Yang, and Earth took its body from the Yang. When the Yin and Yang came together, all kinds of things were brought to being. In this creation myth, there is a theme of unison and harmony bringing things together. 

The Native American myth i read was of Grandfather Buzzard . The wind form the flapping of the buzzards wings creates the valleys and mountains, thats why the Cherokee say there land is mountainous. The animals needed light, a theme ever so common in all the creation myths i've read where light is needed, so they pull the sun out from behind the rainbow. I found a striking similarity to the Adam & Eve story from the bible in the next part of the myth. The creator told the plants and animals to stay awake for seven days and nights. Only a few obeyed, the owls and mountain lions, and they were rewarded with the ability to see in the dark. This is similar to the bible story because those who disobeyed weren't rewarded with greatness, (Adam & Eve ), and those who did obey the creator, ( God ), were rewarded. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful job, Ally! Good work connecting the motifs here, particularly that between the biblical myth of Adam and Eve and the Native American myths.
