Sunday, February 10, 2013


Throughout everything I have learned in class and on my own, I've been able to develop my own sense of what a myth really is. A myth is a really old tale, it cant just have been made up 10 years ago. Its something passed down in the oral tradition, and if its been written down, it hasn't been till recent years. I finds myth to not necessarily be fantasies, yet they are still somewhat magical. They help us to understand the human condition, help us to understand ourselves. They can answers the question "WHY?" and "HOW?'. I like the point made throughout some of the texts I've read and videos I've watched that characters within myths are repetitive, the just wear different "cultural clothes". The fact that mythology isn't religion, nut is is related and has ties to it is very interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I like "they help us understand the human condition." Excellent, Ally.
